

Hello ladies!! I know you’ve only just heard from me but I have some important news and dates for your diaries!

As lots of you will know, I have been waffling on about assessment dances for a few weeks. Just to confirm for some of you who have been on holidays or away, here are the dates for the venues that I teach.

Monday classes 25th October

Monday classes 6th September

Sunday 3pm class: 29th August
Wednesday classes: 8th September

7pm class 31st August
8pm class 7th September

You will see that some dates have been moved back a week, just because I’m nice and wanted to give you all a little extra time!

For all other venues, please contact your instructor direct or email me and I will find out your next date for you J


As you know we have an upcoming Bank Holiday. This means that some of our Monday classes will be cancelled as the Health Clubs are rarely open on Bank Holidays, or open with skeleton staff and for reduced hours.

Class at both Bicester and Aylesbury venues will NOT RUN on Monday 30th August. However, Pole Play will be available at both venues on the Sunday. Bicester ladies can attend any time on the Sunday as usual, and at Aylesbury the Nuffield Health Centre have kindly agreed to allow Pole Play between the hours of 12pm and 3pm on Sunday 29th August.
October is competition month!! There are quite a few competitions during October, most important the World Pole Championships in Zurich (October 2nd), the British Isles Pole Championships in Essex (15th October) and the European Pole Championships, again in Essex (16th October). If you’d like more information on these competitions, you can google and get all the details, or check out www.pole2polemagazine.com for details of the two Essex Championships.

I’m hoping that lots of us will be going so perhaps nearer the time we could all be in contact and arrange to convoy down?!

Hope you are all well and practising hard!!
L x

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