
Felix Cane Workshop

So, as mentioned in my previous post, one of the best and most exciting things I have to update you on is the workshop I recently attended in Bristol with Felix Cane.  You can find out all about Felix on her website http://www.felixpoledancing.com.au/ but her biggest and most well known title is Miss World Pole Dance 2009 - she is SERIOUSLY amazing, and totally my idol.

The workshop was arranged by http://www.polepassion.com/ (thank you ladies!) and was at South Bristol Sports Centre on 6th August.  We were there for two hours and learnt some new moves (The Felix, Pike, Pike Splits, Handspring) and then were lucky enough to watch Felix perform just for us.  Totally amazing, and so so glad I didn't miss it.  If you ever get the chance to get within 500 feet of her, DO IT!!!!!  Pictures attached. 

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