
Ones to watch....

We often talk in class about other pole dancers, and videos that we’ve seen, and demonstrations of new moves. I thought it would be good just to direct you to some of the girls that I watch regularly who I think are really superb – if you get a chance to view them, let me know what you think. Hopefully it will give you lots of inspiration and motivation to practice practice practice!!

Karol – This young lady from the US is an amazing trickster. She shows amazing strength and is always coming up with new moves.

Sarah Cretul is one to watch. She doesn’t appear to have her own channel but you can search YouTube on her name and see lots of the work she’s done.

Alethea Austin – amazing dancer. Very flexible, does amazing floor work.


Felix Cane. The one and only, my absolute idol. This woman is utterly amazing to watch. 2009 World Championships winner, and an ex-stripper, she typifies what we all love about pole dancing – grace, elegance, strength and definitely the wow factor.

Karen Chaundy. We first saw Karen at the British Isles Pole Dancing Championships in Essex. She’s an amazing performance, and worth watching for tips on stage presence and presentation of a dance.

Student Videos

Hello all ... how are you?  All is back to normal here now after my break, and the last couple of weeks have been full of assessment dances in lessons.  A couple of our students have been kind (and brave!) enough to let us post their assessment videos, so here they are for you.  Both girls are at Level 4, and did a fantastic job.  If anyone else would like their videos posted, please do let me know! 

Jemma Carman's assessment video:

Angela Vaughan's assessment video:



Hello all!!  I've been on a two week annual leave break, just spending some time at home, catching up with friends and trying to get some pole practice in! 

As some of you may know, in September we ran the first workshop of four of Miss Minnie's Introduction to Burlesque Dancing.  We've done two workshops so far, and it is SO much fun...and much, much harder work than any of us expected!  Here are some pictures for those who didn't manage to attend....

Pictures from Workshop One - Walking and Posing

The warm up:

The amazing Miss Minnie....

Workshop Two - Fans and Gloves

Wooohooo!!!  'Naked' ladies!!

So far, the course has been utterly amazing, but much harder work physically than any of us had imagined!! You can see more of Miss Minnie at her website:  http://www.elegantbellydance.co.uk/ and if you'd like to be included in the next set of workshops, do please let me know!!!  Keep checking back to see the next set of photographs from Workshop Three on 1st November.