
Hi ladies. Apologies for not writing for SUCH a long time. As you may be aware, Showgirls has expanded, and we’re now teaching classes at the following venues:

Inspirations, Didcot
The Fitness Company, Bicester
The Ozone, Oxford
Club Energise, Swindon
TwoTone, Witney

We had a Taster Day in Swindon on Saturday 27th and one in Oxford on Sunday 28th, and they were both REALLY busy. Thanks to Bella and Alex Nye for their help – couldn’t do it without you!

Obviously, all these extra classes and venues has meant that our Instructors in Training have really had to up their game, and they’ve been amazing! Bella (Sharon Auckland), Emma Wixey, Cezz Taylor and Iszy Smitham are already teaching regular classes, and next Tuesday Angela Vaughan and Jemma Carman will take their very first class over at Oxford!! Congratulations to all the Instructors in Training, I’m really proud of the effort and commitment you’ve put in so far. Still a way to go though….

Other than the hectic madness of all this wonderful new stuff, I’ve also been trying to sort out new outfits, as I know lots of you are waiting for them. I promise they should be delivered within the next 4 weeks, bar any disasters. Will keep you up to date.

I’ve also been rehearsing hard for my very first competition in July. I’m REALLY nervous, but it’s now or never!! I’ll post a rehearsal video online at some point and ask for your (honest!) feedback.

1st April – be there or be square! We’re taking a couple of poles to the Oak in Didcot, and ALL venues are invited. It would be amazing to see girls from the new venues meet up with the Didcot ladies – it’s all about pole love!! Bring your boyfriends/husbands/families/friends – it’s an open house and will be a great night out. See you then!!

Ta ta for now.
Lucy x

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